"Abu Ubayda is the moniker for the authority media representative of the Izz promotion Commotion al-Qassam Detachments


"Abu Ubayda is the moniker for the authority media representative of the Izz promotion Commotion al-Qassam Detachments, the tactical wing of the Islamic Opposition Development (Hamas). Abu Ubayda is viewed as one of the top people on Israel's death records because of his job as the essential figure in mental fighting and media crusades forced by Hamas. He is alluded to as Abu Ubayda to pay tribute to the sidekick who vanquished Jerusalem, Abu Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah, during the hour of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab.

The genuine name and presence of Abu Ubayda are not known, and there is exceptionally restricted if any, individual data about him or his life. He commonly shows up in media appearances or video proclamations delivered with his whole face and head covered by a kufi, except his eyes. Abu Ubayda seldom shows up in question and answer sessions inside the Gaza Strip. Yet, he includes in video proclamations that are normally delivered on the authority records of the al-Qassam Detachments and sometimes communicated on Al-Aqsa television, a Hamas-partnered station, and, less significantly, on Al Jazeera and other satellite stations.

There is a huge quality of secret encompassing the personality of Abu Ubayda, who reliably seems covered, either all alone or encompassed by equipped individuals from the al-Qassam Detachments. His voice has gotten comfortable to the two Palestinians and Israelis, particularly after his most memorable appearance in 2006, declaring the catch of the Israeli fighter Gilad Shalit. From that point forward, he has turned into the essential representative for the al-Qassam Units. Initiative sources in Hamas have affirmed that a couple of individuals know his actual personality, and he has never shown up freely in any news source.

In 2014, Israeli media distributed a photograph professing to be of Abu Ubayda, taken from a screen capture of Al-Aqsa television. In the picture, Abu Ubayda's concealed face is shown, and beneath it, there is one more image of an unshaven individual, with the name "Hudhayfah Samir Abdullah al-Kahlut" composed close to it. Hamas denied these Israeli claims, expressing that the picture was manufactured and pointed toward attempting to reveal genuine data about the representative for the al-Qassam Units, who is for sure one of the conspicuous heads of the equipped wing of Hamas.

Abu Ubayda's assertions, as well as being the authority representative for the al-Qassam Units, address the lifesaver of the mental fighting led by Hamas against Israel. His assertions are compelling and frequently get critical media inclusion. In June 2020, his popularity expanded when Israel declared plans to add on the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. He delivered a video proclamation harmonizing with the commemoration of the "Tricky Opportunity" activity, reaffirming that "the opposition will pursue the foe lament this evil choice, with God's consent," portraying Israeli plans as a "formal statement of war." During the Blade of Jerusalem crusade in May 2021, Abu Ubayda's name was habitually referenced in the media as a sign of critical occasions, particularly concerning military accomplishments by the obstruction. A few investigators and spectators of the Palestinian-Israeli circumstance accept that Abu Ubayda's assertions are exceptionally sound and solid, as he reports misfortunes on the two sides without misrepresentation on one side or misleading statements on the other. Israeli military reporter Gili Cohen even expressed that the Israeli public trusts the assertions of the al-Qassam Detachments' representative more than those of true Israeli spokespersons."

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